Actologic offers services in the development Readmore
Quality assurance & independent verification services:reasing product quality
Quality assurance (qa) and independent verification (iv) are two of the most critical components to maintaining a competitive edge. Unfortunately, achieving the right degree of in-house testing can be challenging, expensive and resource-intensive. Actologic offers a comprehensive range of independent verification and quality assurance services that adhere to the highest levels of security, integration and industry standard processes. Using our dedicated testing labs, qa expertise and team flexibility, we are able torease the quality of our clients' products while reducing time-to-market, management risks and operating costs.
Actologic's quality assurance and independent verification engineers have strong market-specific testing experience to provide our clients with comprehensive and exhaustive qa and iv services across the product lifecycle. We also have dedicated functional and performance testing labs and product engineering lab with a repository of the latest testing tools and assets. Some of our qa and independent verification capabilitieslude:
Actologic's quality assurance and independent verification services focus on the following areas of interest: